Client Story AVL, Copyright- AVL.

AVL List GmbH

Product Management & Business Development Training

The challenge

10 years of strategy development training and coaching of more than 100 product managers at AVL List GmbH.

Product management plays a central role in the innovation process in many areas of AVL. Since innovation is a central lever for the success of AVL. For this reason, the person responsible for product management at AVL was looking for a consulting partner with whom a unique training and strategy development program for product managers and senior product managers could be developed and continuously implemented

Our approach

  • An approx. 6-month program in which cohorts of product managers are guided to systematically develop the strategy for their product responsibility area
  • A sophisticated mix of theoretical impulses, inputs from other industries, coaching of individual strategy development and networking of participants in a 5-module program
  • Presentation of the strategies to top management as a central element of the program

The results

  • Over 100 product strategies developed and presented to AVL top management
  • Over 80 international product managers at AVL with a profound understanding of strategy and experience in its application
  • Introduction of Rapid Innovation Teams to increase AVL’s innovative strength

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