Client Story AVL, Copyright- AVL.

AVL List GmbH

Fostering innovation capabilities

The challenge

The organization was seeing the need for a change in the mindset and culture of the organization. As in many organizations the implementation mode dominated the work, there was a strong need for more power, attention and resources for creative and agile work. Additionally, the leadership team had the feeling that the current innovation portfolio was too weak and needed more attention.

Our approach

  • The introdution of our Rapid Innovation Team concept to the organization
  • The faciliation of 4 Rapid Innovation Team Initiatives (4-6 teams each) over 2 years
  • Expert coaching for the internal drivers of the change

The results

  • Concrete business success stories coming from more than 25 innovation projects initiated over 3 years
  • The commitment from the leadership team to further invest in innovation activities
  • A blueprint for a structured innovation process that could be adopted by the organization is until today successfully internally facilitated
  • A toolbox with over 30 concrete innovation methods documented for further usage

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