(c)Strabag Societas Europaea


Leadership @STRABAG: Leading through turbulent times

The challenge

In 2020, STRABAG faced a series of challenges. Alongside crisis management, the company focused on digitalization of construction processes and experienced significant shifts in the labor market. These included increased competition for top talent, increased mobility among employees, and the specific expectations of Generations Y and Z.

To support its leaders in these volatile times, STRABAG developed four essential leadership competencies: Lead the Change, Lead the Process, Lead the Team, Leading Myself. These competencies are vital for all managers to master and should be deeply anchored in the culture at STRABAG.

Our approach

  • Intensive co-creation process with STRABAG P&C division and two external consultants to design a 10-day leadership journey focusing on the 4 key leadership competencies
  • Combination of different learning formats to make this journey as effective as possible: face-to-face workshops, virtual workshops and self-directed digital learning loops
  • Inclusion of additional transfer boosters: peer groups, top management dialog, P&C dialog, STRABAG multi-feedback, development and presentation of an individual leadership credo, personal coaching.

The results

  • Common approach to leadership challenges in turbulent times
  • Common understanding of leadership among STRABAG’s top 1300 managers
  • Implementation of the 4 key leadership competencies throughout the group
    • Lead the Change
    • Lead the Process
    • Lead the Team
    • Leading Myself

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