ICG Integrated Consulting Group Holding GmbH
Entenplatz 1a, 8020 Graz T +43/316/71 89 40-0 office@integratedconsulting.eu
Use Agility in Organizations in a Meaningful Way!
Change Culture and Behavior.
Much more than just IT.
Create Better Solutions Together.
Your future depends on it.
Leading to Results.
Become an operative champion.
Alone you move faster, together you get further.
In the Name of the Public.
Involve the right people, tackle the right challenges.
Change - The Magazine (free of Charge)
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The "Change" magazine contains articles on change management topics, seminar information and news about the ICG Integrated Consulting Group. It can be ordered free of charge after stating the necessary personal data for the delivery. By ordering the magazine, you agree that all the data provided will be processed in the course of the magazine delivery. You may revoke this consent at any time by sending an email to office@integratedconsulting.eu. See our privacy policy for more information.
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