Innovation Flashlights Innovation always sounds very attractive but can be a tough job. Still, it is always easier when you work in a team and split the hard work with your colleagues. Therefore, when you are facing a specific problem or a challenge and you want to resolve it fast, we propose approaching it with a series of well-designed innovation workshops. Target-Oriented Innovation Workshops Do you want to download all of your employees’ ideas for a specific challenge? Do you want to know what ideas your employees have for the future of your company? Innovation flashlights are short, well-designed workshops (1–2 days) in which participants deliver concrete results at the end. We will be the facilitator and guide your team through the phases of the innovation process: analyze and empathize, ideation and selection, concept development and rapid prototyping. More than Concrete Results After the workshop, the team will definitely see ”the light at the end of the tunnel,” bringing results to the table and more importantly, creating energy and courage to innovate further. Your teams will not only have created tangible solutions for your challenge, but also acquired a common understanding for the innovation process itself. After the first workshop, the teams may continue after a certain period of time (e.g. one month) to give feedback about prototypes and iteration, creating more ideas and developing further prototypes. SET-UP We help you define the challenge and prepare the workshop. DOCUMENTATION We don’t let your ideas vanish, but gather them for you. FACILITATION We are like a bandmaster leading the team in their performance. Contact Persons Mihai Svasta Partner Contact Mihai Mihai Chiratcu Consultant Contact Mihai More Insights Insights Foresighting Clear the future by following the F-O-R-E-S-I-G-H-T principles! Insights Ingredients for an Innovative Culture Key ingredients of an innovation-driven company culture. Competences Innovation old Your future depends on it. Would you like to know more? Contact us
Insights Ingredients for an Innovative Culture Key ingredients of an innovation-driven company culture.