Henrike Schaum

Frau mit Brille in Menschenmenge

After working at the university and in the public sector, Henrike Schaum's curiosity about how to shape change in a participatory way led her to the consulting industry. As an economist and socio-economist, she has a strong conceptual mindset, an analytical eye and a critical understanding of social processes. In projects, it is important for her to keep the big picture in mind and to design processes in such a way that as many people as possible can identify with the outcome. Diversity, equality and sustainability are particularly important to her. She complements her professional expertise with training in supervision, coaching and organizational consulting. She slips into different roles in order to make a difference for her clients. She is convinced that collaborative action and different perspectives not only bring more joy, but also better solutions.


  • Strategy and organizational development
  • Process support and project management
  • Coaching and supervision
  • Expertise in diversity, equality and social and environmental sustainability
  • Qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and interpretation


  • bellaflora Specialized Garden Center
  • City of Graz
  • EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities)/EISMEA (European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency)
  • Federal Ministry of Finance/Social Affairs
  • Health, Care and Consumer Protection
  • Ingredion
  • Mintality Foundation
  • Pro Senectute
  • Provincial Government of Carinthia (Department Social Affairs)
  • Samsung
  • Socio-economic Companies in Lower Austria
  • Vienna Business Agency

Gut zu wissen

  • Loves good food and cooking
  • Enjoys pottery and handicrafts in her spare time
  • Likes to travel around Austria and Europe by train

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